Guilty as charged for being a leader
Did you know that those who master their message, truly know their clients, and package their online persona as a leader have higher sales and more success in business than those who don’t? Well if you didn't know that, you do now!
Why? Well it’s because they bring their character to everything they do. They make it crystal clear as to who they are, what they do, and how they do it. They attract publicity through their energy, persistence and leadership.
You see I believe that a leader is born and not made. A leader is willing to step up when no one else is. Whether they’re leading a team of one or a team of thousands, or even millions, a leader is always willing to say say ‘follow me'.
And, it’s this trait that attracts clients like the proverbial moth to the flame.
Established stars like Sir Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Dan Kennedy, Brendon Burchard and Tony Robbins are perfect examples to illustrate the point, and you can see rising stars like Derek Halpern, Gabby Bernstein and Marie Forleo applying the same principles. They all use the same tactic to promote their work. They all bring their unique character to everything they do.
Now, whilst I feel quite confident that I’m on the way to doing this with my brand, the funny thing, (and I’m fess-ing up here) is that I’m guilty as charged for not knowing this as a highly effective marketing strategy. Oops!
Thankfully as a creative at heart, I’ve always liked being unique and I’m pretty used to never ‘quite fitting in.’ Just picture me, as a Director, with my high heels and dress in a male dominated IT environment, and you'll get the picture. You see, I’m confident to make up my own mind as to whether to follow the crowd or not. I like my ‘take on things.’ I speak up when others don’t – for things I believe in and know to be right. Perhaps being the older sibling has helped me step into the leader role. Who knows!
Anyway, I want to share this top tip with you, as it’s huge for your business. Clients choose to work with you because of the quality of the work you deliver; but clients choose to say with you because they love your character.
[box]Clients choose to stay with you because they love your character TWEET THIS[/box]
By bringing your energy, vision, hope, determination and unique view on things, you add that ‘je ne sais quoi’ that drives and influences them in their daily lives. I've been in business and sales too long to know that people always buy from people, and clients either want to be like you, or they want to be able to relate to you i.e. you remind them of them!
If your character is strong, opinionated and positions you as a leader in your field, then you become the trusted advisor, the go-to person – the one to turn to for help. Developing your online persona as a leader is one of the strongest influences you can use to be memorable. Copycat and samey-samey won't differentiate you. It won’t attract clients, publicity and it won’t convert into sales.
However, that doesn't mean to say that you have to create an online persona or brand that's different for the sake of being different. That would be dumb and could potentially lead to brand suicide. I've seen that before!
You need to keep your integrity in tact.
Packaging your brand and yourself as a leader takes strategy. As an entrepreneur it's your job to define your image and your message so no one misunderstands who you are and what you stand for.
So, to help you with this, here are 10 tips to help you define, or even redefine your online persona as a leader:
- Communicate your why, purpose or life mission.
- Demonstrate that you practice what you preach and always lead by example.
- Be genuine, approachable and reliable.
- Get opinionated. Show you’re not afraid to stand up for something you believe in, even if it goes against the grain.
- Share your stories of perseverance and those where you’ve failed and also overcome adversity.
- Share your interests and passions outside of business.
- Under promise and over-deliver.
- Be inspiring and encourage others to overcome their hurdles.
- Develop a unique methodology or system that offers added value.
- Give back to your community in as many ways possible.
These are only starting points, it's up to you to own your online persona as a leader and present the face you want to be known for to your clients consistently.
What are your thoughts? Are you comfortable stepping into the limelight and crafting your online persona as a leader? Have you had any good or bad experiences by doing this?
Please share your experiences and feedback in the comments below as I’d love to hear.
Finally, thank you, as always for reading and contributing here. And, if you found this useful, please share it with your friends!
With love and gratitude – as always,
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