All posts by JaneFrankland

Meeting the notorious Laura Roeder of LKR fame

By | business start ups, Lifestyle, New business, Uncategorized | 11 Comments

An informal ‘interview' with Laura Roeder

Meeting Laura Roeder LKR, The Dash, Creating FameLast Saturday, I met Laura Roeder, the well-known American social media entrepreneur who has built a formidable online business. I’m a big fan of Laura, and in my opinion she’s doing a lot of things right. She is a social media, marketing expert who teaches small business owners how to get to grips with social media in their business, and become known as the leading expert in their field. She is the creator of Creating Fame and Your Backstage Pass to Twitter, and has over 500,000 subscribers. Her business turns over millions each year, which considering she’s less than thirty years old, and there's a recession on, in my opinion isn’t bad going! I have to say, it was a memorable encounter if only just to see how well grounded and down-to-earth she is.

The event started at 2:00pm at Waterstones bookstore in Piccadilly, London. London was abuzz, despite the rain; the Olympic visitors were in town. High up on the 5th floor, though, about 30 attendees had made the effort to join her and were networking. I made my way through them to a seated area where I could see Laura sitting, chatting and drinking coffee (or was it tea?). She was deep in conversation with several other enthused entrepreneurs. For some strange reason I approached introducing myself and shaking hands, instead of my usual continental cheek-to-cheek kissing! How very British!!!

If you've not come across Laura Roeder before I'll fill you in. Laura earned a degree in advertising at The University of Texas. Whilst she continued to teach herself about the web and online communications she graduated at 20 years old and moved to Chicago to start her professional career.

When she was 22 years old, she left her first and last job as a designer at an ad agency to start her own business as a website designer to small, local businesses. With her first major hurdle being scale, in 2009, she ‘fired' all her web design clients and switched over to the business model that she has today. So, this business really started from behind a video camera, where she taught potential clients how to get comfortable online. How cool!

Getting back to the day itself, in person, Laura is quietly confident, refreshingly honest and as you can see from the photo above, smiles a lot! I didn’t go to the event to interview Laura, but I was keen to meet her and have a chat. Based on that I wanted to share with you my experience, plus some of the questions I asked, and the answers she gave.

Is it easier to do business in the US as oppose to the UK?

Having spent some time in the UK, I was curious to know whether she thought that it was easier to do business in the US as oppose to the UK. At first she said she thought there were no differences, but having spent some time in the country, she was now beginning to wonder. For me, I was interested to hear how business owners in North America were far more used to having mentors and coaches. This was insightful. Having been a business owner for 15 years I hadn't really come across personal business mentoring. In Britain I believed this to be far more unusual than for our friends across the pond. Of course I'd experienced business owners who had attended training courses to develop their skills, but more often than not, I'd only experienced those who hadn't – let alone any who'd engaged with a mentor!

Any advice for a ‘newbie' starting out?

I was curious to know what advice she'd give to any ‘newbie’ starting out or whether, if she could turn the clock back, she'd have done anything differently. She said she’d been asked that question quite a few times, and that in all honesty she said that there was nothing she’d do differently. No regrets – I liked her style!

Growing a business, outsourcing and delegation

We also spoke about her team and delegation. She stressed how important it was not to do everything yourself and how vital delegation was. We shared the same opinion i.e. to do it as fast as the money permitted! If you didn’t, it would only hamper your business and set you back. You only have 24 hours in a day, so the only way to grow your business is by adding more hours, and the only way to do that is by adding more people that have their own 24 hours to add to your 24 hours! Simples!

[box]“The only way to grow your business is by adding more hours” TWEET THIS[/box]

Obviously when you’re starting out, unless you have considerable savings or investment you’ll have to do things yourself, but as soon as you can – outsource or delegate. Laura practices what she preaches and employs a small team – less than ten. Aside from being talented, they are tight-knit, family focused and share her values. Trusting them allows her to travel, which having shared her recent visit to Italy with us, she clearly enjoys!

Networking and events

Being a people person and someone who loves networking, one of the things I found interesting about Laura and her company, LKR, was the host meet-ups for small businesses. I wanted to know why Laura had decided to start doing them. That then lead us onto our experiences of networking. You see, when you serve small businesses, they are desperate to find other small business owners to network with. They need support in addition to finding business. Many of us, who were by now chatting, had our own far from ideal business-networking stories to share. Typically we'd been met with pushy business owners forcing their cards upon us in the hope we'd do business! As a group that valued developing value and genuine relationships, we were striving for something more. So we came up with the idea of hosting regular meet-ups for our own group and other like-minded entrepreneurs. More on this later…

Partnership or going it alone?

Having formed a business with another I was interested to know if she’d recommend going it alone or in a partnership. Being a current student at B-School, I had to ask her about forming this venture and her relationship with my teacher, Marie Forleo.

Laura talked about the relationship and business opportunity candidly and positively. She described it much like a marriage, which having been in business with a business partner I could totally relate to!

She spoke how she hired Marie originally as her mentor and how the idea for B-School was born. Whilst she expressed great gratitude for everything that had happened with B-School, including her adoration for Marie, she said at that time, it was right to move on, to listen to her heart/gut and to concentrate on LKR.

It’s exciting times again for Laura as she changes her entire business and relaunches on 17 July 2012. So, mark your calendar because she's making a huge announcement, and in true Laura style she's having a big fat party to announce it!!! The party is online so everyone can join in. She's promised awesome prizes every 15 minutes. You can ask-her-anything e.g. behind the scenes Q&A and much, much more, and it's all being broadcast LIVE from Blighty (the UK)!

Here are the details for Laura's event:

Tuesday, July 17th
9 AM Pacific
12 PM Eastern

She”ll be broadcasting live for three hours, so hop on whenever you can but remember you'll have to be there live to win one of her delicious prizes! And here's a hint: if you've ever wished for a private consulting session with her to get feedback on your biz, do not miss this opportunity!

On 17 July 2012 at 9AM Pacific be sure to visit the live link

And, watch out for more information on our networking event!

In the comments below, tell me how you've got on with business networking groups, what experiences you've had of business partnerships and of doing business in the US  and UK.  Let me know what action you'll be taking as a result of reading this post too. I'd love to hear.

Thank you, as always for reading and contributing here. Thank you to my friend Camila Prada, who makes the most amazing pottery, for taking the brilliant photo of us too! If you found this useful, please share it with your friends!

With love and gratitude,





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Six tips to make networking at an event easy and enjoyable

By | business start ups, Established business, New business, video | 5 Comments

Networking is the key to success in business

Networking at an eventI recently attended an event and was inspired by Claire Brummell from Feminine 1st when she spoke about networking. Her presentation reminded me that for some people networking is second nature but for others it’s hard work, tedious and nerve racking. Both parties, however, recognise that networking is the key to success in business. So how can you enjoy it and master it if you’re feeling overwhelmed when attending an event?

1. Look approachable and smile

This is such a simple, basic rule, yet so many people don’t even think to do it. I’m not going to give you a hard time, for if you’re anxious it’s probably the last thing on your mind. However, in order to succeed at networking you need to overcome this and look approachable. No one warms to a scowling, serious face. A smile, on the other hand is incredibly welcoming.

2. Use body language and mirroring

Let’s be honest here, joining a group can be awkward even for the pros. One of the best ways to do this is by quietly approaching the group and standing on the peripherals. I wouldn’t recommend introducing yourself immediately unless asked to. Rather, I would suggest listening attentively and mirroring the group’s body language. What you’ll find is that soon enough the group will open up and invite you in to participate.

3. Use the event facilities as your aid

Coffee and tea areas are a perfect place for striking up conversations, and mundane conversations are usually good to get a dialogue going. Once you’ve struck up a rapport you can then ask more pertinent questions, for example, why are they at the event, what do they hope to get out of it, what do they do etc.?

4. Ask for an introduction

Asking someone else to make an introduction is probably the easiest way to network and I’d thoroughly recommend it. Let someone else do the legwork! Obviously if you’re at a large event then this probably isn’t practical, but for smaller events it is.

5. Ask interesting questions and be interested

Asking interesting questions is one of the fastest ways to build not only your credibility but also rapport. Furthermore, it’s a lot easier than bargaining with an opinion.

Most people love to talk about themselves. If you can get people to discuss their experiences and opinions and listen with genuine interest, giving them your full focus and attention you will build immediate rapport and trust. Be authentic, share your passions and help other people feel good about themselves.

6. Be generous and helpful

It’s incredibly refreshing to have someone offer to make an introduction or connection or share some useful information at an event. Remember, if you do this; follow up, as you’ll be seen as an action taker, dependable and a person of their word.

In the comments below, tell me how you get on with networking and what methods or techniques you use. Let me know what action you'll take as a result of watching this video and reading this post too. I'd love to hear.

Thank you, as always for reading, watching and contributing here. If you found this useful, please share it with your friends!

With love and gratitude,





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Selling techniques: using fear and passion

By | Selling | 2 Comments

How do you view selling?

Selling techniques using fear and passionHow do you think of selling? The reason I ask is on account of the fact that so many people are quite ‘anti-sales.’ It’s a shame really as if it’s done professionally I think being a salesperson is really something to be proud of.

I was taught years ago to view sales and selling simply as a conversation. Furthermore, to think of it as a means to help someone by matching their needs to their wants and solving their problems. So if you're like me and like finding out about people and helping them, then ethical, professional selling could be for you.

There are so many ways to sell but in this post I’m only going to concentrate on selling on fear by using the FUD factor, and selling on passion. I’ll then leave it up to you as to which one you want to choose.

Selling with fear (FUD)

FUD actually stands for fear, uncertainty and doubt. It was a term popularized in the late 70s by Gene Amdahl to describe IBM – his former employer – and their sales strategy. At that time IBM’s strategy was to erode the confidence a prospect had for a competitor and their products. Their strategy was very successful.

I’ve seen FUD used in competitive situations, and also when no one else is involved – simply just to highlight a problem and get a sale. Here's how it works when a competitor is involved. A sales person plants seeds of doubt to get the customer worried about the other competitor who is looking likely for the work. They go through all the dire consequences of dealing with that competitor and usually ask some of the following questions:

  • How long have they been in business?
  • Will they be around next year?
  • Are they a homegrown company or an international?
  • How many offices do they have?
  • How many employees do they have?
  • What is their employee skill set?
  • Do they possess the required qualifications or accreditations?
  • What is their track record like for customer care?
  • What is their cash flow like?
  • What happens if the bank calls their line of credit?
  • What happens if the sole owner dies, gets divorced, sells up or goes to prison?

Questions like these make the other competitor's sales job much harder as the seeds of doubt have now been planted in the customers' mind. They have highlighted the risks. Of course, salespeople with more talent don't just ask questions, they provide misleading statements. Politicians do this regularly and it's an art form!

When it's used to highlight a problem, these questions can be used:

  • What will happen if you don't get this product or service?
  • Who will be in the firing line if things don't improve?
  • What will it cost your company?

Those taking the moral high ground say that bad mouthing your competitor or selling using FUD is not a successful message. Whilst I agree, it is still rife and does work so it’s important to be aware of it.

Selling with passion

Simply put, passion sells and salespeople who have a passion for what they are selling sell more. Passionate salespeople have the ability to create sales, to overcome problems, and to create long-term customer relationships. Their passion is infectious and sweeps customers along with them. When it’s used in combination with a solution sale it’s very effective.

What is a solution sale?

Solution selling is a methodology. Rather than just promoting an existing product or service the salesperson focuses on the customer's pain and addresses the issue with their company’s offerings. The resolution of the pain is what constitutes a true solution sale.

When I contact a prospective customer, I give them my full focus. I want to find out as much as I can about them and understand their situation. As an ideal I want to find out what makes them tick and also what challenges they face so I can help them with my company’s offerings. If my offerings are not suitable, then I’ll still try to help by introducing them to another company who can. For your own sales success, it is imperative to realize that your offering is simply a tool.

In the comments below, tell me what you think about selling with fear and passion. Let me know your preferences and also what techniques or strategies you use. Let me know too what action you'll take as a result of watching this video and reading this post too. I'd love to hear.

Thank you, as always for reading, watching and contributing here. If you found this useful, please share it with your friends!

With love and gratitude,



Dealing with a time management objection

By | business start ups, Established business, Lifestyle, New business, Selling | 7 Comments

Excuses: I'm time frazzled!

I've got no time and how to deal with this

Excuses, excuses, excuses – I've heard my fair share of them and I have to say that time is often top of the list. So, how do you deal with this when someone gives it to you as a reason for not doing something? This short blog answers that question. I've written it with the aim of providing you with some useful tips and also to help you see things from the point of view of the time frazzled person that you're dealing with.

Understanding the time management problem

So, firstly, let’s get honest here about not having enough time. Who feels like there are never enough hours in the day to get it all done? I for one often do, and I know that I’m not alone. Most of us regularly feel overwhelmed as we’re increasingly leading hectic lives.

Whilst technology may have become our ally on many levels it’s also made things a lot worse. Being the ‘devil in disguise’ to a certain extent, mobile technology advancements have meant that we’re now expected to be contactable (and in some cases working) all the time, whether we’re in a job, running our own business or just being a parent.

The top reasons why things don’t get done

  • We procrastinate
  • We get distracted
  • We can’t say no
  • We don’t delegate or outsource
  • We can’t let go as we’re perfectionists
  • We take on too many commitments and spread ourselves too thin
  • We can’t accurately estimate how much time something is going to take
  • It's not important enough to us

How to reclaim control and deal with the no time objection

So what can you do to help yourself and combat this time management challenge? How can you reclaim control and deal professionally with the ‘I've got no time' objection?

Well, one of the first things you need to be aware of is that this is an excuse. Time is just a statement of priority. We all have 24 hours in the day to get done what we want/need to get done. I for one find this incredibly exciting as it really does put all of us on a level playing field. What this actually means is that what we do with our 24 hours is simply up to us! We have to own this and take responsibility for it!

Like everyone else, we prioritize. We choose to do whatever we want to do with our time. Time is like currency – we trade it – choosing to give something up in order to do something that is more of a priority to us, our business or our family. If something is important to us, we will always make time.

I'm hoping this is all making sense to you by now. The final thing I want to say on this subject is simply to encourage you to be honest with those that you’re speaking to. If they are struggling, or getting stressed be there to help. We all need it sometimes!

In the comments below, tell me how you deal with the ‘I've got no time' excuse. Let me know too how you prioritize your time and overcome your time management challenges. Is there anything that you regularly choose to give up or sacrifice in order to get something done that is more of a priority to you, your business or you family? And, finally let me know what action you'll take as a result of watching this video and reading this post too. I'd love to hear.

Thank you, as always for reading, watching and contributing here. If you found this useful, please share it with your friends!

With love and gratitude,


How to achieve work and home-life balance

By | Lifestyle | 3 Comments

Work and home-life balance tips and techniques

Jane Frankland The Go2 Expert


I’m so excited to write this post as I made an interesting discovery regarding work and home-life balance recently. For years I’ve yearned to reach it. At times, it’s felt like trying to find the Holy Grail. I’ve beaten myself up about it and felt guilty more times than I care to remember. You see, I’m a working mum of three kids and have been building and running a business for 15yrs.

So the question I have to ask is, why is it that we think we can have balance in our lives?

A see-saw is rarely perfectly balanced and if it is completely level it’s because both children are approximately the same size and weight and both are able to touch the ground gently in order to maintain that balance. A lot of work goes into creating that perfect balance, which probably lasts for a split second. Now I know we're not like see-saws but I had to ask myself, if it’s so hard to balance a see-saw why do we all expect there to be a balance between our work-life and home-life?

How to restore work and home-life balance

Personally I’ve no idea! What I do know though is that there’s actually no such thing as a work and home-life balance. In fact, it's just an illusion. To me discovering this was revolutionary. The reason why it's an illusion is on account of the fact that we are living things, and just as a plant moves because it is growing, so do we. When a plant stops moving it’s because it's dead and our lives are just the same. We will always be moving and the so called ‘balance’ will always be shifting because we're growing and alive.

So it really is time to forget about having a work-life and home-life balance as it's impossible. Check out my video on it here:

And, in the comments below, tell me what you think about your work-life and home-life balance. Let me know what action you'll take as a result of watching this video and reading this post too. I'd love to hear.

Thank you, as always for reading, watching and contributing here. If you found this useful, please share it with your friends!

With love and gratitude,





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How to blog and write an outstanding blog!

By | Established business, New business | 2 Comments

Guest blog, by writer Chelsea Haden

For a while people have been asking me, how do you write a blog, and where do you start. So, I asked my friend Chelsea Haden, who's a writer, editor and frequent blogger as to whether she'd do a guest blog for me on it. Thankfully she agreed!

Understanding the basics of blogging

We’ve now entered the age of the blog and according to a survey done by HubSpot websites with blogs are more likely to get 55% more visitors than those without. For those in business, that means a lot more potential new customers and the reason why so many are doing it. There's no accurate estimation of just how many blogs are on the World Wide Web, but recently I read that there are over 450 million English language blogs out there. Now that’s a lot of information – don’t you think?!

With all this information floating around it’s becoming even more essential that your blog is the best version of itself; and for this to happen there are a few things that you need to take into consideration.

What blog platform should I use?

Choosing the right platform is essential and there are so many out there, for example BlogSpot, WordPress, Flickr, Tumblr, and Pinterest, are to name but a few. I’ve worked with all of these platforms but WordPress comes out on top – all of the time! This platform is like having your own website. You have an option to upgrade and go for a self-hosted site if you desire or use the free version which is just as good. You can use a range of themes that are majorly customizable – from colours, layouts and widgets. You’re never alone as it has a large community where you can gain technical support and introduce your blog to rest of the blogging world.

You can have as many blogs as you like and across different platforms. However, I would suggest having one blog on each topic that you write about as this gives each topic the attention it deserves, rather than duplicating content which Google now penalizes you for – by lowering your ranking.

What do I blog about?

Finding your blog purpose is probably one of the most important factors that you’ll have to think about. Are you blogging for personal reasons or for your business? If you're blogging for your business then it’s wise to use your content to let your customers know: company news and updates, any new services and products, how you feel about certain topics etc. Blogging for business is an ideal way to show your customers that there is a human in the heart of your business! Remember your posts should reflect the person that you are.

How do I get my blog ‘out there?'

The good news is, if you're using WordPress then this platform allows you to write your own ‘tags.' Tags are keywords and phrases that people are likely to search for, and when they do, your blog should come up. Essentially you're SEOing your own blog so that it can be found. There are ways to increase your likelihood of this:

  • Social media – ideally you should be using platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to promote your blog.
  • Directories – there are a wide range of directories to submit your blog to, for example, 24 great blog directories can be found at:
  • Six degree rule – shout about your blog! Someone knows someone, who knows someone, and so forth.
  • Interact with the blogging community – have a read of blogs that you think will compliment yours; read their content and get involved with the conversation: comment! Get people to guest post for you, and guest blog wherever you can as it will attract a whole new readership.

How do I make my blog stand out?

Take into consideration representational skills: people have different ways of taking in information – some through sound, others through pictures, videos, and specific language. These learning means are known as visual, audio and kinesthetic. A wise blog takes this into consideration and incorporates them all – to build rapport.

Personalise it: A great blog should have some form of branding whether it be a logo, specific colours, and/or a memorable name.

Content: This goes back to relating it to your blog's purpose. What do you want your blog to be known for: inspiration, worldly goings on, industry updates etc. I find that most of the blogs in the world are covering the same information, but it’s their take and perspective that makes them interesting and readable.

Make it easy for people to follow: Always provide an RSS subscription. Also consider offering your readers a newsletter, and make sure your subscription boxes and social media buttons are easily seen.

Remember, blogging is easy providing that you consider the above, and content is always KING. Whilst a few blog for the SEO benefits, your readers won’t stay or follow you if your content is meaningless, so instead aim for vibrant, relevant and informative!

About Chelsea

At only 21yrs, Chelsea Louise Haden, is an exceptional young entrepreneur. She works as a freelance writer and editor. In her spare time she's addicted to social media, has a passion for all things inspirational and aspires to cook every vegetarian recipe that's ever been thought of! She blogs at and

If you've enjoyed this post, in the comments below, tell me what you think about blogging. Let me know what action you'll take as a result of reading this post too. I'd love to hear.

Thank you, as always for reading and contributing here. If you found this useful, please share it with your friends!

With love and gratitude,





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What to consider first before starting a business

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What to consider first when starting a business

Jane Frankland, The Go2 Expert


I've spent a long time in business and I've seen so many people race into starting a business without even considering the basics. The most important thing you need to think about before anything else when starting out is to ask yourself the following things:

  • Why are you going into business?
  • Are you prepared to spend 10x more time, energy and effort than you were in your job?
  • Do you have a relentless persistence and a burning desire to do this?
  • What would it mean to you if you didn't do it?
  • How good are you at dealing with failure and rejection?
  • Are you competitive and someone who likes to win?
  • Do you enjoy self development?
  • What will you sacrifice in order to do this?

Going into business demands from your intelligence an unwavering application. Furthermore, it demands from your emotions courage, patience and growth. It is not for everyone! In all honesty, it's not for the vast majority.

Dispelling a myth

Firstly, not all business owners are rich! So many people go into business for the wrong reasons, e.g. they think that it’s the best way to make money or they are trying to escape from their job. However, if this is you then you're immediately set up for failure. When you go into business you have to believe in it with all your heart. You have to have passion, you have to have stamina AND you have to be able to think out of the box! Take it from me – it’s incredibly tough to run a business and it’s risky! Remember most businesses fail.

Although that sounds a bit bleak, many people start businesses and are successful. Running your own business gives you lots of advantages as you can work it around you and your family. The vital thing in business is that nothing gets in your way of delivering a great service to your clients. People who want to make a difference start some of the best businesses in the world, or they simply see a gap in the market and are driven to fill it. And this could be you!

So when you are considering starting a business think about everything and as my mentor told me ‘don’t chase the paper, chase the dream!' She got it from P Diddy!

In the comments below, tell me how you are getting on with starting your business. Let me know where you are at with it. Is there anything that you struggling with or need help on? And, finally let me know what action you'll take as a result of watching this video and reading this post too. I'd love to hear.

Thank you, as always for reading, watching and contributing here. If you found this useful, please share it with your friends!

With love and gratitude,


Relax: you are in safe hands

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When it comes to business development, your aim is to get an edge on your competitors and seize market share. My team and I are here to help you do just that. We're all pros in branding, online marketing and business development. Importantly too, we're abreast of all the current  trends, tools and techniques. We're stoked up, fired with energy and passionate about helping small businesses achieve tangible results.

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