All posts by JaneFrankland

How to get clients & sales (with no phone calls, emails or meetings)

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The key to getting clients & sales

How to get clients and sales on autopilot with Jane FranklandLet's face it, who doesn't want more clients, customers and sales? The benefits are clear – as sure as night is dark and day is light:

You can feed yourself and the family, pay the mortgage or rent, buy some nice clothes and shoes,  and if you're really doing well you can do some travelling!

Whilst this sounds like a bit of a joke, I'm deadly serious. Getting clients and customers is essential if you're going to succeed in business.

So the question is “How do I get clients and customers (with no phone calls, emails or meetings)?” Well the answer is so simple and you'll kick yourself for not knowing it.

Putting your talent, experience, skill set and even CV aside for just a moment, you have to remember how clients aka buyers operate. Judgements are cast within the first few seconds of seeing you and decisions are made in an instant.

Story time

I remember overhearing a story on the train into London one day, which I want to share with you. A business owner was bragging to his puppet (employee) about how he chose his PPC supplier. He relayed how supplier A had been the favourite, but when he showed up for the meeting, he immediately discounted him and chose supplier B. Why? Well it was on account of the fact that he had tattoos and piercings. However, supplier A was not client-facing; he was actually to be engaged as an outsourced supplier. Now, I thought this rather short-sighted of him but, it serves to illustrate my point.

Clients are always looking to buy from people they feel they know, like and trust. They are attracted to those who they aspire to, or who remind them of them.

And, it's for this reason alone that you need to make your first impression engaging with your clients right from the start. When suppliers are sourced it's usually from the web. Search terms and keywords are in-putted and then the results are offered up. So making your first impression engaging with your clients is imperative!

The world's easiest way to get clients to your business

During the last few decades I’ve built a successful business and I’ve also helped others develop theirs from scratch. And, whilst some people may think that I've some natural talent at this, I'm going to share a secret with you:

Learning to position your brand, craft your message and attract targeted clients to your start-up is NOT something you’re born with. It’s a skill that has to be learnt. And when you've got the right person teaching you the skills, you can learn them fast.

That’s why I’m proud to share what I call “The Front of House Technique” with you today.

The Front of House Technique

The Front of House Technique is all about portraying an image to your clients. The first step to doing this is to invest in some professional headshots and PR shots.

You need photographs to reflect the image you want to portray, and this is something I teach on my courses. If your sector is music, then you're most likely not going to want corporate looking shots. However, if you're a designer, coach or nutritionist who has a corporate client base, you may well do.

Your headshots must be memorable and ones that prospective clients feel compelled to connect with. Combined with your unique talent this is what sets you apart from everyone else out there. By having professional headshots and PR shots you create a front of house experience that attracts clients and customers like the moth to the light (when done right).

Your headshots work for you on autopilot – 24/7 – when you're asleep, in meetings and producing or delivering work. I can't stress this enough so, DON'T SKIMP ON THEM!

When you're positioning yourself as an authority and leader in your niche professional headshots and PR shots will be your greatest ally. They will work without moans, groans or complaints on your website, social media sites and also for the press.

Watch this short video

Now in case you are unaware, this is just one of many techniques I’ve developed and teach. Some of the other techniques are available in my premium training courses, but you’ll hear more about that over the next few weeks. So, keep your eyes peeled. And if you’re not on the email list, get on it!

Now I want to hear from you.

While this is a powerful technique to get clients, customers and sales, that supports personal branding as a way to increase clients and sales tell me how do you get clients and sales? Tell me all about it in the comments below!.

And if you have any questions about “The Front of House Technique,” feel free to leave that in the comments as well.

Finally, thank you, as always for reading and contributing here. And, if you found this post useful, please share it with your friends!

With love and gratitude – as always,



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Leader or entrepreneur: one mistake not to make if you want sales!

By | Established business, Marketing, New business, Sales | 6 Comments

Guilty as charged for being a leader

Leading by Example Jane FranklandDid you know that those who master their message, truly know their clients, and package their online persona as a leader have higher sales and more success in business than those who don’t? Well if you didn't know that, you do now!

Why? Well it’s because they bring their character to everything they do. They make it crystal clear as to who they are, what they do, and how they do it. They attract publicity through their energy, persistence and leadership.

You see I believe that a leader is born and not made. A leader is willing to step up when no one else is. Whether they’re leading a team of one or a team of thousands, or even millions, a leader is always willing to say say ‘follow me'.

And, it’s this trait that attracts clients like the proverbial moth to the flame.

Established stars like Sir Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Dan Kennedy, Brendon Burchard and Tony Robbins are perfect examples to illustrate the point, and you can see rising stars like Derek Halpern, Gabby Bernstein and Marie Forleo applying the same principles. They all use the same tactic to promote their work. They all bring their unique character to everything they do.

Now, whilst I feel quite confident that I’m on the way to doing this with my brand, the funny thing, (and I’m fess-ing up here) is that I’m guilty as charged for not knowing this as a highly effective marketing strategy. Oops!

Thankfully as a creative at heart, I’ve always liked being unique and I’m pretty used to never ‘quite fitting in.’ Just picture me, as a Director, with my high heels and dress in a male dominated IT environment, and you'll get the picture. You see, I’m confident to make up my own mind as to whether to follow the crowd or not. I like my ‘take on things.’ I speak up when others don’t – for things I believe in and know to be right. Perhaps being the older sibling has helped me step into the leader role. Who knows!

Anyway, I want to share this top tip with you, as it’s huge for your business. Clients choose to work with you because of the quality of the work you deliver; but clients choose to say with you because they love your character.

[box]Clients choose to stay with you because they love your character TWEET THIS[/box]

By bringing your energy, vision, hope, determination and unique view on things, you add that ‘je ne sais quoi’ that drives and influences them in their daily lives. I've been in business and sales too long to know that people always buy from people, and clients either want to be like you, or they want to be able to relate to you i.e. you remind them of them!

If your character is strong, opinionated and positions you as a leader in your field, then you become the trusted advisor, the go-to person – the one to turn to for help. Developing your online persona as a leader is one of the strongest influences you can use to be memorable. Copycat and samey-samey won't differentiate you. It won’t attract clients, publicity and it won’t convert into sales.

However, that doesn't mean to say that you have to create an online persona or brand that's different for the sake of being different. That would be dumb and could potentially lead to brand suicide. I've seen that before!

You need to keep your integrity in tact.

Packaging your brand and yourself as a leader takes strategy. As an entrepreneur it's your job to define your image and your message so no one misunderstands who you are and what you stand for.

So, to help you with this, here are 10 tips to help you define, or even redefine your online persona as a leader:

  • Communicate your why, purpose or life mission.
  • Demonstrate that you practice what you preach and always lead by example.
  • Be genuine, approachable and reliable.
  • Get opinionated. Show you’re not afraid to stand up for something you believe in, even if it goes against the grain.
  • Share your stories of perseverance and those where you’ve failed and also overcome adversity.
  • Share your interests and passions outside of business.
  • Under promise and over-deliver.
  • Be inspiring and encourage others to overcome their hurdles.
  • Develop a unique methodology or system that offers added value.
  • Give back to your community in as many ways possible.

These are only starting points, it's up to you to own your online persona as a leader and present the face you want to be known for to your clients consistently.

What are your thoughts? Are you comfortable stepping into the limelight and crafting your online persona as a leader? Have you had any good or bad experiences by doing this?

Please share your experiences and feedback in the comments below as I’d love to hear.

Finally, thank you, as always for reading and contributing here. And, if you found this useful, please share it with your friends!

With love and gratitude – as always,



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If you’re struggling to pitch and get sales, read this (or carry on wasting your time)

By | Marketing, Sales | 6 Comments

Pitch and sell anything in under 2 mins

Pitch and sell like a pro sales coaching with Jane FranklandThey say that sales people are the easiest ones to sell and pitch to. However, unless I’m unique I’d disagree. Selling to sales people is hard work, as they understand exactly what you’re doing to them. They understand the sales cycle and if they’re any good, they know exactly how to craft a perfect sales pitch.

Anyway, following on from a post I wrote on crafting a 30 second sales pitch, the next thing you'll need to master is how to present and pitch in person. Imagine a longer version of the sales pitch. Well, it's a bit like that.  The best way for me to describe this and the benefits is actually through a story.

About two years ago I met a highly respectable figure from my corporate world who was selling (in her spare time) some premium beauty products. Now I'm not actually really that interested in lipsticks, moisturisers or make-up. You see, I'm not a that much of a ‘girly girl.' However, I do use them, and I do care about whether they work, are affordable and are tested on animals. Anyway, to cut a long story short, as much as I didn't want to admit it, by the end of the demo (or pitch) I wanted to buy the products.

Why? Well it really was on account of her two-minute pitch. It had been so persuasive it changed my attitude and turned me from a sceptic into a believer. Actually, it did better than that. It transformed me into a brand evangelist. From that day forth I've sung the brand's praises to hundreds of people.

The lady knowingly used five techniques to sell and pitch to me. Anyone can adopt these techniques to pitch just about anything—from products to services to themselves.

1. Passion and enthusiasm – demonstrate it! Passion sells! If you're not passionate about the service or product your selling then your listeners i.e. your prospects and customers won't be. A great tip is to say, “Now here's something I'm really excited about.” The reason this works well is because you’ll automatically think if they’re excited, maybe I should pay attention! Your prospects are giving you permission to have fun and to show excitement.

All too often, business professionals and consultants get into a presentation mode, and lose their personality and enthusiasm. My good friend and mentor Marie Forleo has a key condition for her business – it has to be fun, and Richard Branson has the same attitude – if it's not fun, why bother? In my opinion too many business owners, and sales professionals are subject to dull pitches and presentations. Death by PowerPoint still exists. So, it’s time to step up and inject some energy and excitement into your pitch.

2. Connect – find a personal connection. The easiest way to do this is to spend a few seconds talking about something fairly mundane. In Britain we usually talk about the weather  – don’t ask me why but we do. In my experience, I’ve often spoken about my children or if there’s a sporting event on, that also works well. Pick something that’s topical but not confrontational! I’ve also seen this work well with family run businesses, where the owner has told his or her story of how they grew up with the business and products. By doing this, they showed they cared about the product or service too and weren’t just being paid to pitch something with which they had no personal connection.

Remember, people buy from people so they always need to like the person behind the product, unless they can’t get it anywhere else – in the world! Having raised funding before and spoken to several venture capitalists, angels and VCs the message that is consistent is that they invest in the people behind the business and not the product or service. So always pay attention to your audience who want to make an investment in you. Make them feel good about the person they're buying from.

3. Benefits – sell the benefit and not the feature. Marketers often fall into this trap as well. This is a critical persuasion technique so always identify the potential problem before offering a solution. Let me give you an example to drum this message home. It was something I learnt and applied to my own business and it was responsible for gaining consistently 2 new leads per month, which translated into about £12,000 sales. The new customers then became long-term clients who bought regularly and for over a decade. They spent hundreds of thousands of pounds with us.

The example involves the story of the hole and the drill! Think about it, when you need to drill a hole in the wall, if you don’t know about a drill, you’d be a bit stuck, as you wouldn’t know what to use as your tool. So you’d Google your problem, looking for the solution. You wouldn’t put in ‘drill.’ So ask yourself: What are you really selling? Often the answer might surprise you.

4. Stories sell and facts tell – so tell stories. From my experience, this is by far the best way to do this. Tell a story  as to how you solved a problem. Stories create connections between people. People remember stories far easier than by any other communication message. It’s how we learn. So tell more stories and you’ll stand apart.

5. Educate and inform – teach us something new. If you can teach something your audience didn't know before, you'll have their attention, and perhaps even have their money! Every successful pitch has the three Es – educate, entertain and engage. So create a positive association with a product or service and you’ll have the ability to persuade your audience with every pitch.

So I wish you well with your pitch. Please let me know how you get on with your sales pitch and sales experience. Let me know what has worked for you and even what hasn't and also what you struggle with when it comes to your pitch and sales. Please share your experiences and feedback in the comments below as I’d love to hear.

Finally, thank you, as always for reading and contributing here. If you found this useful, please share it with your friends!

With love and gratitude – as always,



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Website essentials – a check list to double your sales

By | Marketing, Sales | No Comments

The secret of a successful website

I've been itching to do a website essentials check list for you and this post follows on from my series of blogs about websites, including the 7 ways to ensure your website is generating leads and the website essentials design check list.

This post is all about your website essentials i.e. what you need to put on your website and why. As you can see, I'm not going to go into great detail about plugins here. I've only mentioned one – the Facebook plugin for LIKES as I know just how essential it is. Instead, I'm concentrating on the absolute website essentials, many of which are missed by businesses both large and small.

Website check list to double your sales by Jane Frankland

Please let me know how you'll use this website essentials check list and, also how you're getting on with the website you're planning,  building or updating. If you have any more tips, please just add them in the comment box. Feel free to share this with anyone who might find this useful too and definitely check out my good friend Derek Halpern's blog on website essentials and how to increase conversion rates if you haven't done so already. He reviews some leading online marketers' websites.

Until then….

With love and gratitude – as always,



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8 reasons why it’s better for business to build a WordPress website

By | business start ups, Established business, Marketing, New business | 3 Comments

Guilty as charged for not having WordPress

Jane Frankland on rather than wordpress.comMost people know I’m no coder, but when it comes to getting a small business online I’m actually a huge fan of WordPress as the platform of choice. Why? Well firstly it’s gets you started online cheaply and secondly a WordPress website is actually quite easy to use. Too many times I’ve heard small business owners tell me that they can’t update their website and have had to get their web designer to do it for them – at a cost. And whilst it’s great to outsource, and concentrate on your core skills, outsourcing your website management is costly and time consuming at a time when quite frankly you don’t need it. Bah!

Now I have to come clean here. When I first built my website I got confused with the whole thing and I actually built a website. Whilst it was great that I took action after my website class, there are reasons why it's better to build a website, which I'll go into shortly.

WordPress to solve the problem

So let me tell you about WordPress. Well, WordPress is not only the most popular free and open source blogging tool available on the Internet, but it’s also a powerful Content Management System (CMS) that can be used to build websites. It’s used by over 16.7% of Alexa’s top 1 million websites and as of August 2011 it manages 22% of all new websites. It’s used by large corporates too and just to make it complicated for you, there are two versions of it – and! or – which one to use is a hosting platform that provides a quick and easy way to get your blog or website online. It’s free and easy to use and once you’ve signed up you can create your blog or website immediately – for free. It’s great for hobbyists or special interest blogs, but if you’re serious about building a website for a sustainable business (large or small) then it’s important to have control over the look of your website so it doesn’t look like a generic blog. This is why I almost always recommend using

Here are 8 advantages you’ll have if you use as your website:

1. Search engines love WordPress. As sites using this CMS will be indexed in the search engines much faster than traditional static websites you’ll have traffic coming to your site sooner rather than later.

2. WordPress has an unlimited number of plug-ins or add-ons that have been developed to perform everything from shopping carts to contact forms. These are updated and upgraded constantly so you’ll always have the latest technology and innovations at your fingertips.

3. It’s usually considerably cheaper to have a website developed with WordPress than any other website. The available plug-ins are generally one-click installations which means you won’t have to pay a web developer to do costly coding to develop the features you’d like on your website.

4. WordPress has a great deal of SEO built right in. This enables you to rank well in the search engines. And despite web designer telling you that they do SEO, in my experience most don’t do it very well.

5. WordPress is easy for anyone without coding skills to maintain on their own. This means you can add new content whenever you want without having to pay a web designer to do it for you. Yay!

6. These days every business website needs a blog. By having a WordPress site you’ll have one there built right in so you can easily interact with your visitors.

7. WordPress has a built in RSS feed. This means that you have the ability to syndicate your content. This makes it a very useful traffic-grabbing tool.

8. By having a WordPress website you can market it to all of the blog directories. This means you have the potential of reaching many more visitors than a standard HTML website.

If you need a check-list for your wordpress website, or you want to 7 ways to generate leads through your wordpress website just click the links. Please let me know how you'll use this and, also how you're getting on with the website design you're planning. If you have any more tips, please just add them in the comment box. Feel free to share this with anyone who might find this useful too. Until then….

With love and gratitude – as always,



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Website design check-list

By | business start ups, Established business, Marketing, Uncategorized | One Comment

Website design do's and don'ts

This post follows on from the last one I wrote for website design: 7 ways to ensure your website is generating leads. When a friend asked me about her website and what was required, I decided to do some research and find out if a check-list for outsourcing your website design (or more accurately creation) existed. I was surprised to find that a guide didn't exist. So, hence the reason why I'm creating a website design check-list for you here.

Over the years I've seen a lot of websites, and so many miss opportunities for business development. It's not necessarily their fault. Unless you have a good website designer who can help you, if you don't know what you want, how can you specify. Increasingly I've found that website designers don't know what's effective for lead generation when it comes to a website design.  So here's a short guide and check-list from someone who does know! If you're outsourcing your website or even if you're building your own website, this will be useful.

Website checklist for outsourcing or designing yourself


If you need help with your persona, avatar or ideal client, see my post on: the number one reason you lose sales:

Please let me know how you'll use this and, also how you're getting on with the website design you're planning. If you have any more tips, please just add them in the comment box. Feel free to share this with anyone who might find this useful too. Until then….With love and gratitude – as always,



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7 ways to ensure your website is generating leads

By | Established business, Marketing, New business | No Comments

The modern way to market on a website

Jane_Frankland shows you how to market your website for lead generation and businessBuilding your own website is not for the faint hearted, but in this day and age it's totally possible – even if you're not tech savvy. I should know as this is exactly what I've done.  Now, my website may not be perfect but it's doing the job I need it to right now. And, until you have enough money to outsource it, you can do the same. Obviously it's a preferred choice to get a designer to do this for you, but whether you do or don't, here are some key points to bear in mind.

The purpose of a business is to create a customer, so as an entrepreneur creating, optimizing, and promoting, content is essential if you’re going to fill the top of your sales and marketing funnel with more targeted, relevant website traffic and leads. The good news is that if you create, optimize and promote your blog on your website (or quite frankly on another's) you’re going to get 55% more traffic and 70% more leads than those who don't. That's quite a large figure!

Anyway, here are 7 ways to help you generate more leads on your website and boost your marketing efforts.

The ultimate way to create a performing website

1. Blogging

As you know every website has the potential to rank well in search engines and draw traffic from other sources i.e. from social media sites and the blogosphere. However, nowadays this all depends on whether your website is well optimized and how valuable it is to your readers i.e. useful, relevant, interesting, and so on. Adding a blog to a website is therefore a very powerful way to achieve this. In addition it’s also a great way to convert leads into clients. By having valuable and relevant calls to action, allowing your readers to subscribe, and encouraging them to follow you on social media are great ways to leverage your blog and get more. The more active you get online – on your website – the faster you'll grow.

2. SEO

70% of the links search-users click on are organic, which is why if you’ve gone to the trouble of creating a blog on your website, then you've got to optimize it. You have to give your valuable website content the best possible chance of drawing traffic in from the web. You need to maximize your ROC – return on content. Search engines look for fresh content so that they can serve it up later in search results so if they're not indexing it, results won't show it. The more fresh content you create on your website, the more often search engines will come back looking for more.

3. Mobile

Mobile is huge and if your website isn’t mobile friendly then you’re missing a trick. In fact I’d go so far as to say you have to redesign it! When mobile optimizing your website, you must consider smaller screen sizes and slower bandwidths. This may mean using smaller images and font sizes, and thinking about how much content is displayed on a single page. If you outsource this to a designer, just ensure you let them know. Ask for a website that is “responsive.” If you’re building your own website, I’d suggest using a website. They have multiple mobile friendly templates. Once again make sure it is responsive. Theme Forest is a good place to start.

4. Social

Social media isn’t a fad, or a silver bullet, but it has changed the way we market. And, whether you like it or not the world is becoming more social. It's not just about the number of fans, friends and follows you have. Studies have shown that being active on Twitter and Facebook increases the number of inbound links, traffic and leads. As a result, companies are now favouring an increased investment in social media and blogs. Obviously there’s a right and wrong way to use it, and it’s imperative that you engage in conversations and not just blab about your own company/brand. It's about delivering meaningful content, having a dialogue and engaging with others. Blog posts shared on Twitter get 117% more page views than those not shared. Linkedin proves the most effective platform for B2B and Facebook for B2C. However, Pinterest drives more referral traffic than Google+, Linkedin and YouTube combined (source, Shareaholic, February 2012) so you might want to experiment and see what works for your brand.

5. Analytics

I'm going to put it bluntly…there’s no point doing anything unless you’re measuring it. You need to know what works and what doesn’t. If you can't measure how many visits, leads and clients your different campaigns generate, you need to either get help with this or think again about why you're in business. Google Analytics provides a way to do this.

6. Tools

If you have a website, check out how it's performing by going to this marketing tool Marketing Grader. For SEO you can use SEO Scorer or ScribeSEO.

7. Resources

Nathalie Lussier is an online business triple threat, serving up digital strategy and integration along with do-it-yourself training programs that will turn your website into the asset you know it should be. She’s the creator of The Website Checkup Tool, and she loves getting techy with it, martial arts, and drinking green juice. Whilst I built my own website, I used many of the techniques Nathalie taught and that's why I have no hesitation recommending her to you here.

Please let me know if there's anything else you'd recommend by posting a comment below. Watch out for my check list on building a website that's coming soon. It will be useful if you're outsourcing your website design or designing your website yourself.

Until then….With love and gratitude – as always,


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Goal setting checklist

By | business start ups, Established business, Lifestyle, Mindset | No Comments

Here's a check list for setting your goals

This post follows on from the last one I wrote on goal setting – Guilty as charged: for not setting my goals. Anyway, I love goal setting and really value it as an incredibly powerful tool both in terms of my own self development and my company's.  And this is why I'm sharing just one more post with you right now. When goal setting is used effectively it can greatly enhance your skill as an effective and motivating leader. Throughout history strong leaders and organizations have used goals to shape and influence the destinies of millions. And this is why they're so vital. You see, you and your company can leave such an imprint on the lives of others by setting worthwhile goals and committing to their achievement.

With a mindset of a successful leader you must refuse to sit by passively and leave your future to chance or to the choices of others. You have to dare to make your own decisions and to direct your company toward success. Through goals you can create the confidence that comes from knowing where you and your team are going, and how you intend to get there. Goals provide you with a sense of direction to keep you focused on what's important. They bring to life a sense of order and purpose that sustains desire and motivation over a long period of time! Yay!

So here's a check list to ensure you've got your goals in place. By applying the principles here – writing them down you're already 80% more likely to ensure they succeed.
How to plan and set goals with Jane Frankland


Please let me know how you'll use this and, also the goal setting you're planning. Until then….With love and gratitude – as always,



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