All posts by JaneFrankland

#001: How to get rid of WordPress problems! [Podcast]

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An interview with The WP Help Club

Nathalie Doremieux from The WP Help ClubIf you want to build a website, sell products online, make money with your online course, or simply share your ideas on a blog, then this podcast is for you. In this episode of the School for Winners Podcast, I interview Nathalie Doremieux, co-owner of The WP Help Club. Today’s episode is a special one because it’s not only my first podcast, but it's Nathalie's first interview. I decided to interview Nathalie as WordPress website challenges are something that so many of you struggle with and have asked me about.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with The WP Help Club, Nathalie and her husband Olivier, offer website strategy, design and development solutions. The services they provide help you create WordPress websites independently, or as a done-together or fully outsourced services.  They also cover autoresponders and Google Analytics too – basically everything you need to do in order to help you get your WordPress website and business off the ground. Hence the name!

In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Nathalie and Olivier's route into entrepreneurship
  • How The WP Help Club came about
  • The key challenges of building and managing your own WordPress website
  • The most important tips to keep in mind when it comes to building your WordPress website
  • The WP Help Club solutions to support entrepreneurs

Items mentioned in this episode include: 

Right click to download the .mp3.

Or, if you're more of a visual person watch the video here…

Now I want to hear from you…

Tell me what wordpress problems challenge you the most. Is it design, security, backing up, knowing what plugins to use, or something else. Share your story in the comments below.

Thanks for participating!

With love and gratitude – as always,


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What women in business can learn from Margaret Thatcher

By | Mindset | 5 Comments

C'mon what did she teach us?

Lessons for women in business from Margaret Thatcher by Jane FranklandLoved, loathed but never ignored, Margaret Thatcher serves as a perfect example of a strong leader for so many women in business across the world. She was a formidable figure, from a humble background, who made a global impact, and it's sad news to hear of her passing today.

Known as the ‘Iron Lady' or ‘That Bloody Woman' to some, she showed that the will could prevail if it was strong enough. At heart, she was an extremely bright, lower middle class, girl from the Midlands. She believed in hard work, achievement, and that everything had to be paid for – in other words, “If you don't have the money, you don't get it!” True to her values, and practising what she preached (as all good leaders do) she became Britain's first female Prime Minister in 1979.

Her contribution to British business was profound. She created opportunity and injected life back into the economy. She restored the idea that free enterprise was socially acceptable, and built confidence and belief in the social worth of entrepreneurship. As a result, British entrepreneurs found a voice after years of retreat.

Her decisions were not always well-liked. She abolished state ownership and replaced it with privatisation. However, entrepreneurship became popular in a way it had not been before. She understood what was needed to make businesses thrive and to turn a country into one of entrepreneurs.

Just as it is now, it was an exciting era for entrepreneurship, and for women in business who felt inspired by her achievements. She set the bar. She demonstrated what was possible.

As a girl growing up in Thatcher's era, from a home with a strong, independent mother, and being educated at a private girls school, I was unaware of sexual discrimination. I was taught that anything was possible if you worked hard and set your mind to it. It's little wonder why I ended up as a women in business and an entrepreneur!

Whether you believe Margaret Thatcher failed or inspired women in business is not a debate for here. Some believe she not only failed to shatter the glass ceiling, she actually failed women completely by dismissing rather than tackling the barriers many of them faced. She became the exception to the rule.

Anything is possible for women in business

Whatever your opinion, I must confess something. It somewhat excites me to know that women now outnumber men in the workforce (for the first time in history), and are gaining increasing positions as leaders of industry. Together with more than 8 million (and growing) businesses owned by women, the recovery of the USA (and I hope the UK) economy will be, to a great degree, driven by women. Furthermore, if the Dalai Lama's predications manifest, the Western woman will save the world.

So this is a time to re-address the balance of power for women in business. Thanks to the advancements of technology, particularly the Internet, if women take action and use it, they will shine both as women in business and entrepreneurs. Then we can show the world what we're truly capable of!

13 quotes from Margaret Thatcher to inspire you

1. “Standing in the middle of the road is dangerous: you get knocked down by traffic from both sides.”

2. “Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.”

3. “What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose.”

4. “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.”

5. “Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.”

6. “I do not know anyone who has got to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but should get you pretty near.

7. “It is not the creation of wealth that is wrong, but the love of money for its own sake.”

8. “If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.”

9. “I've got a woman's ability to stick to a job and get on with it when everyone else walks off and leaves it.

10. “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.”

11. “Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope.

12. “Pennies don’t fall from heaven — they have to be earned here on Earth.”

13. “Defeat? I do not recognize the meaning of the word.”

Now I want to hear from you…

Women in business, please tell me which female figurehead inspires you? And tell me how you've dealt with your journey into entrepreneurship as a woman? Leave your story in the comments below.

With love and gratitude – as always,



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How to tame self-doubt and gain confidence

By | Mindset, Uncategorized | One Comment

Screw self-doubt. Give me self confidence! 

Say goodbye to self-doubt and hello to confidence with entrepreneur Jane FranklandAre you struggling with that little voice of doubt in your head? You know the one that says, “why would anyone buy from me, when so and so are more experienced?”

Of course you are!

Well let me tell you a secret…so am I! And, so are millions of other highly successful entrepreneurs and career professionals! We all routinely go through periods of self-doubt.

The good news is … it’s normal! Self-doubt is a normal part of our human existence.

The bad news is…it’s something that goes on and on. You’ll never stop doubting your own ability. Self-doubt won’t go away the more successful you become either. You may not spend as much time doubting yourself but it’ll still rear its ugly head every now and again.

I can hear you sigh ‘Urgh’ and I’m right there with you too!

But here’s the worst thing…

If it’s not dealt with it will consume you, stop you from moving forward and sabotage your business. Why? Well unfortunately, fears and self-doubt are often more potent when imagined than realized.

[box]”When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.” ~ Honore de Balzac TWEET THIS[/box]

Every time you say, “why would someone buy from me when so and so are more experienced?” you’re giving yourself permission to fail before you’ve begun. You’re also subconsciously blaming others or using an external reason for why something won’t work. As a result you’re giving it your power.

Video Break (skip if it's not your thing..)

Kerpow! Time to think like a superhero!

Let me ask you, did Batman, Superman, Daredevil, Spiderman, or even Neo from the Matrix go through periods of self-doubt? For sure, they did! And they overcame their self-doubt through the power of self-belief. Now obviously you're not a superhero, but there's no reason why you can't perform to the best of your ability.

Tony Robbins is famously quoted as saing, “The only thing that's keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself.” Furthermore, “What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.”

And, this is why I say, “If you believe in yourself enough you can achieve anything” and why I need you to accept this fundamental entrepreneurship principle if you're going to achieve great things with your business.

How to gain confidence: 4 simple tips

1. One of the first things you can do is to remember this principle: “no two things can exist in your head at the same time.” What exactly does that mean? Well quite simply that at any given moment, you're either being of service to your market and in creation mode, or you're disengaged and judging yourself – in self-doubt mode.

2. The next thing you need to do is to train yourself not to indulge in self-doubt. The easiest way to do this is to stay engaged and be present in the moment and so this means creating the work that needs to be done for your business!

Now this doesn’t mean that you have to become a workaholic. However, it does mean that you have to become conscious of what you’re doing and become aware of what triggers your self-doubt.

3. Practice! Just like any form of exercise, if you’re out of shape you’ll feel the pain as your body adjusts to regular work-outs. Your muscles may even ache for a day or so afterwards. However, as you progress you’ll improve and the aches and pains will disappear, until of course you ask more of yourself. Then you’ll repeat the whole process!

4. Have people around you to support you makes all the difference so either out and get a mentor, join a mastermind group or find an environment that will support you going through this.

Now I want to hear from you

Which of these four tips do you think you’ll use?

Or better, which of these four tips have you already used with success? Share your story in the comments.

P.S. If you know anyone who could benefit from these self-doubt tips, take a second and send them a link to this post. You’ll be helping me… and THEM!

With love and gratitude – as always,



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Poor performance is ok…really! (this might surprise you)

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Ready for poor performance?

Poor Performance as a pre-requisite to performanceYes you heard me right. Ready for poor performance – it's gonna happen. Now stay with me as there's method in the madness! Trust me. Not that long ago I wrote about failure and why it's good – like fertilizer. This time though I'm writing about performance. Specifically, about poor performance and regression, and why as an entrepreneur you must never get disheartened when it happens. I say this because it's not a case of ‘if' it will happen, but ‘when.'

Have you ever said, “Why can't I do this? I've done it before and now it's just not working. I don't understand!”

And, have you ever heard this saying, “Sometimes you have to take a step back in order to take 2 steps forward? I'm betting you have. We've all heard it haven't we? But, what I'm interested to know is whether you really understand it?

Let me tell you a couple of stories and then you might get more clearly what I'm harping on about….

Story 1

I remember vividly a conversation I had with my bank manager about 20 years ago, just after my eldest son was born. It was about a poorly paid job I'd been offered, that actually had great prospects. She told me to take it and that “sometimes you have to take a step back in order to take 2 steps forward.” So I took the job, and her advice proved sound. Whilst the pay was poor, once I'd mastered the art of selling, I was earning good commission and quadrupling my base salary. That job provided not only with a good grounding in sales, but also a great foundation for running what was to become my 7 figure business.

However, despite this success story, I'd only partially learnt the lesson of ‘taking a step back to take 2 steps forward.'

Cue story 2

I never really understood the lesson until I saw it play out before my eyes, and it was my daughter, and her riding instructor who I have to thank for this.

Now, I've been riding since I was 2 years old but my daughter (who's 11 years) has only been riding for about 4 years. She's a promising little rider, but what I've witnessed is that occasionally, for a very brief spell, she regresses and her performance seriously diminishes. Interestingly, what happens is that, for whatever reason, she loses her confidence and self belief. She thinks she can't do it, so she doesn't.

Remember what Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right.” Boy was he right!

And, it's due to this that she reverts back to a former state – a state of comfort, otherwise known as her comfort zone – a place where she feels safe.

Now the interesting thing with this story is that it's actually her subconscious that's controlling her. Unlike the example I gave in story 1, when I consciously chose to take a poorly paid job because it had great prospects, my daughter is not consciously in control. So it's her inner being that's deciding her actions. It's this part of her that's enabling her poor performance. Tony Robbins would call it her state.

When you stop to think about this, it's quite terrifying, but this goes on with all of us – ALL THE TIME!

So what's to be done?

Well for a start this is the time to pull up your big girl panties and get conscious! Learn to accept that it will happen as it's part of your development.

[box]”Poor performance is often a pre-requisite for progress” – Jane Frankland TWEET THIS[/box]

Video break

Back in the game? Ok read on…

Check this out for an analogy…

It's like going home to your mum's for a cup of tea and a cuddle, when all's going wrong in your world and you feel like giving up! When you're there, in that safe space, you get a breather and the support you need. You recharge. You recalibrate. As a result your confidence and energy return. Then you're back on your feet ready to take on the world – usually with more gusto than before.

I always like to think of it like this. When your performance moves backwards, it's just like an elastic band being pulled back. It's moving and it's ready to ping forward with energy and pace. And that's why I always say not to worry – THIS IS A GOOD THING as you're getting ready for a leap and to be propelled further forwards than you were before!

Poor performance and performance management

So remember, for most of the time, you live in a very steady state. You do your things the same way, day after day, and life seems to be peaceful, comfortable and easygoing. However, occasionally you have to do something that you don’t feel too comfortable about. Sometimes you'll take this in your stride and other times you won't, and yes you may suffer from poor performance as a result.

When you don't take things in your stride and go through poor performance, never despair and don't be hard on yourself for this. This is NOT the time to give up, or the time for self flagellation. Be kind to yourself but keep on going; keep on moving – whether it's forwards or occasionally backwards. Remember, momentum is good – whichever way it is. Progress requires a backward step every now and again. Poor performance is inevitable if you're going to learn, advance and develop.

And, repeat after me: “stretching my comfort zone is mandatory if I'm going to achieve it as an entrepreneur.”

Now I want to hear from you

Tell me if you've ever moved backwards, if you've suffered from poor performance and what the consequences of it were. When you got over it, did you find yourself further forward as a result? Leave me your story in the comments below.

With love and gratitude – as always,



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Red Nose Day: Raising money for comic relief

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I'm fundraising for Comic Relief – join me!

Jane Frankland fund raising for comic relief

When you're an entrepreneur you've got your eye on business and it's easy to get caught up in chasing revenue and maximising profits. Today though, I'm urging you to think about transforming the lives of people in the UK and across Africa, through the work of Comic Relief. I'm asking you to Give em your bloomin wonga!

It’s been 25 years since Red Nose Day first burst onto our screens and this year, once again, the UK nation is gearing up to put on their Noses, pull out all the stops, and get fundraising.

Whether it’s at work, at school or at home, the money raised is used to transform the lives of countless people, both in the UK (where I'm from) and across Africa.

So, this year I'm doing as I've always done each year on Red Nose Day – donating and raising money for comic relief.  So, come on join me and help make a difference in the world.

Comic Relief funny for money

Tonight, from 7pm, on BBC One, it’s the big one: the night of Red Nose Day TV. Full of sketches and general hilarity, make sure you don’t miss out. If you're a fan of Call the Midwife, here's how they transformed it….

A just world free from poverty

Comic Relief works tirelessly to support some of the poorest and most disadvantaged people in the UK and around the world as we strive towards a just world free from poverty.

Their aim is to bring about real and lasting change by tackling the root causes of poverty and social injustice, rather than simply treating the symptoms. After all these years, the one thing we know is that when you give people the chance to live their lives with dignity, they invariably grab it with both hands.

So, to drive this change, Comic Relief awards grants to incredible projects on the ground that work to give people a leg up, not a hand out. They also go beyond giving grants and use their brand and influence to do all sorts of other work that moves us closer to our ambition.

Take action now

When you make a donation, you really are about to do something very special. Whatever you give will help to make a real difference to people, here in the UK and across Africa, who are living unimaginably tough lives. All you need to do is to donate now.

Thank you in advance. With love and gratitude – as always,



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How do I know who’s my real customer?

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Real customer qualification criteria

How do I know who's my real customer by Jane FranklandWhen I wrote the title to my blog I really thought, can I actually say what I want to say? And, that is, “how do I know who's my real customer and who's just dicking me around?” I came to the conclusion that yes I can, as that's exactly what some customers or prospects can do – they can dick us around!

I'm asked repeatedly… how do I know who my real customer is and who's just dicking me around.

And, my first question back is always … why do you let them?

It was then that I noticed something that's blatantly obvious.

Many of you are not qualifying out your leads or prospects.

So, if you’re struggling to know who your real customers are, I’m going to tell you right now: You need to qualify your prospects right from the start.

I’ll explain.

Why you want to qualify your leads and prospects

I don't think any one would argue that the Internet has changed the way we buy. Most customers and clients don’t wait for a salesperson to call them anymore. They Google everything and get information via the web. As a result marketing meets our prospects far earlier than ever in the buying process – often long before they're actually really ready to engage with a us, let alone buy.

When they're ready to though, it's essential to find out whether they meet your ideal customer criteria.

You see, whilst we're all on a level playing field when it comes to time (we all have 24 hours in our day), no one will dispute that time is one of our most prized assets. Time is money. However, time does not equal money. Time earns money, but money cannot buy time. You can never take it back. It's limited in resource.

As an entrepreneur, you have to be mindful that whatever you say yes to, means that you're saying no to something else.

And this is why you have to qualify out your prospects and customers from the start. In order for you to create a sustainable profitable business, and increase your revenue, you have to value your time.

Needs, wants and logistics

As you know I'm a big fan of ethical, professional selling. I can't stand people who con or rip others off. It's never sat well with me. It's sleazy, it's icky and it's unprofessional!

For me the most important attribute of someone who's selling is the ability to match needs to wants. And, to do this requires you to qualify your leads and contacts. In other words, to work out if the person you're talking to is actually likely to buy from you.

For many, this isn’t as easy as it seems. Here's an example. Most of you have seen the film, Pretty Woman, with Julia Roberts, who plays Vivian. One of the most memorable scenes in it is the Beverly Hills shopping scene, when she enters the designer shop looking cheap and under dressed! The salesperson looks Vivian up and down and instantly decides that she's not going to be a customer. She doesn't ask her anything. Instead, she's rude and Vivian is quickly told to leave – even after she tells them that she has money!

She has the need, she has the want and she has the money. Had the shop assistant qualified her, she would have realised that she was in fact a good customer. And, as Vivian returns to say, “Big mistake!”

The point of this story is that qualifying leads or prospects is itself a major factor in selling. Sadly, the shop assistant had decided that Vivian wasn’t a prospect, because they'd used the wrong qualification criteria. Qualification is about asking the right questions and then thinking without prejudice and presumption.

Tony Robbins is often quoted for saying, “Successful people ask better questions and as a result, they get better answers.” However, when it comes to selling I say,

[box]”Successful salespeople ask better questions and as a result get better sales.” – Jane Frankland TWEET THIS[/box]

So are YOU wasting time with the wrong customers?

That is the question, now, isn’t it?

How do you know whether “I’m on the right track” or “Looks like I’ve cocked up.”

I cover this in detail in my premium training about Selling Made Simple, which will be launching later this Spring.

Warning: If you ignore this exercise, you risk wasting time with the wrong customers and your revenues will show it.

Ok, so now we're getting down to the nitty gritty. What I want you to start doing at the start of your prospect interaction is to start asking better questions. For example, find out whether the prospect:

  • has a problem you can solve;
  • has sufficient motivation to move forward;
  • has access to adequate funds;
  • has the authority to make a decision;
  • has you reasonably positioned against the competition.

It’s these points that predict whether you are wasting time or not.

With the ability to qualify opportunities under your belt, you can spend more time with the real prospects. You have time to discover what their real needs are, including the “hidden needs” that they are not even aware of. Then it’s simply a question of presenting the products that best meet those needs. You can only make this happen if you aren’t tied up with the time-wasters.

Now I want you to do something for me.

Step 1: Watch the video!

Step 2: Tell me, do you qualify your prospects so you can ascertain if they are real customers?  Share your story in the comments below.

Step 3: Write a list of the things you need to know from your prospect – from the first engagement (when you first communicate via email, Facebook message, phone/Skype call or meeting). You don't have to get all the questions answered in one go, but start to drip the questions in there during your communication. Be as specific as possible.

Finally, thank you, as always for reading and contributing here. And, if you found this post useful on knowing your real customer, sign up for weekly updates (it's free) and please share it with your friends!

With love and gratitude – as always,



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Why video bloggers fail

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Video bloggers stop failing!

Jane Frankland on video bloggers and sales conversionAccording to one source, YouTube has 4 billion daily views, and over 88.6m people watch it on an average day. Whilst this sounds great, the harsh reality is that for the majority of businesses investing in video, they're simply wasting their time. The videos they're producing are disengaging and aren't even being seen.

They are, for want of a better word, creating failures! And, they might as well be burning their hard earned cash!

What’s sad about this, is that in this group of people, I’m betting there’s someone just like you….

Someone who believed that by video blogging they'd be generating the leads and sales needed to build a sustainable business. Someone who believed that Google would be noticing their hard work, ranking them more highly and offering them rewards such as an endless supply of traffic that converted.

Wake up call alert!!!

That isn't going to happen! Well, not unless you get your act together!

Having a video or a professionally shot video is useless unless you address the 4 points I'm going to share with you. But, before I do that, I'm going to tell you why video bloggers fail.

Why do video bloggers (and the videos they create) fail?

I’m going to be frank with you (it's in my name) and therefore I'm going to tell you how I see it. I know you'll appreciate this and expect nothing less.

Most people who start video blogging are egotistical. They see it as their chance to shine in front of the camera – their moment of glory – their chance at Hollywood fame!

I know you're not like most people though. I know you're quite the contrary. I know that the only reason you're contemplating video blogging is to increase your subscriber list and to be of benefit to those you serve. You're a heart centred business who's willing to work hard and expand your comfort zones to get there.

Am I right?

How do some video bloggers beat the odds?

Why do some video bloggers beat the odds? Well it turns out they do several things right.

And guess what? It's your lucky day. I'm going to share them with you here.

1. Know your audience

I know it sounds obvious but don’t forget who your audience is. What’s the purpose of the video, were will it be played, and to what age group? An online video is usually short, snappy and succinct, while an online program can occupy hours. If the aim is to generate interest in a product, your story must be sculpted to generate the need, desire and want. If the goal is to educate, build an emotional connection between the audience and the story.

2. Make the length of your video appropriate

Everyone’s competing for our time now so as a rule of thumb I’d always encourage you to make your videos short and to the point -the shorter the better in fact. The sweat spot for effective promotional videos tends to be 3-5 minutes, although with the new changes some will tell you it's even shorter, for example 1 minute. Either way, with the right production-quality, that’s enough time to grab attention and perk the interest of your audience.

3. Have a great script

Scripting for video is very different than writing ads or PR. As it’s a key element, be prepared to spend a great deal of energy refining your story and reading your script. Sometimes it’s even worth practicing and reading it out loud to others to gauge reactions. Is your message flowing and authentic? Or is it clunky, stiff and contrived? If this is an area you struggle in, find a professional writer for video. And avoid a teleprompter as these make you sound stiff, unreal and BORING!

4. Share and use social media to help

Share your video message everywhere. Embed a copy on your website to show off your work, have a promotional video in your office waiting room (if you have one), share it on social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Linkedin and of course YouTube. Use video for your email communication, for your internal communication or for technical support or training. The opportunities are endless.

To get more tips on video blogging, visit this post I did earlier on how to video blog like expert video bloggers.

Now I want to hear from you.

Tell me video bloggers, are your videos being viewed? Are they converting into sales? Spill all in the comments below.

Finally, thank you, as always for reading and contributing here. And, if you found this post useful, sign up for weekly updates (it's free) and please share it with your friends!

With love and gratitude – as always,



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How to accelerate business growth (this is the secret to increasing sales)

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Controversy for increasing sales

Increasing sales by polarization, controversy and expressing an opinionI’m not going to beat around the bush today so I’m asking the question on where you stand when it comes to getting opinionated and being controversial online? The reason I ask is because the answer to this question actually determines how successful you’re going to be with your business.

Getting opinionated is essential for increasing sales!

You see, you can’t create a sustainable business and brand just by providing useful tips and solving your clients’ and customers’ problems. Sorry if I've just dropped a bombshell on you!

Where do you stand?

Forget about being known as a go-to-expert or authority in your niche for a moment. If you want to draw in a crowd in and make sales, then you have to dazzle your audience. And, the way to do this is by injecting style and personality into the mix. You have to show them who you are. You have to communicate to them what you stand for. You have to let them know what your values are, and what your take on things are.

You have to stand up and be counted, and demonstrate that you’re a leader. You have to get opinionated and that may mean getting controversial and alienating people! Yes – even polarization! You have to raise your head above the parapet now if you’re going to crack it online. You have to get used to NOT being a people pleaser and being rejected. You have to get used to pissing people off! God that feels good!

This is not the time for weak, wishy, washy bland blog copy. This is not the time to keep your head down as you may have done in corporate – to keep your j-o-b. Urgh! You’re not working for anyone now. This is your business, So HAVE YOUR SAY! This is the time for liberation and even REBELLION! As creatives we're naturals so bloody go for it!

Remember what Orson Wells said:

[box]“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.” – Orson Wells TWEET THIS[/box]

Just to be clear here, don’t turn yourself into someone you’re not. If you do, you’ll not only come across as being insincere, but phony and fake. It'll be very brand damaging and oh so lame! You'll turn your prospects off big time. Be true to who you are – always. Find a way to deliver your voice – in a way that’s you.

Why am I banging on about this so much? Well, it's because I want you to succeed! And, making it happen online is not easy. It requires a ton of work, a shed load of self belief and knowing the right strategies.

And, getting opinionated, injecting style and personality into the mix is one of them!

You see, getting opinionated online really means making connections and this is the key to the whole damn thing. It's the fastest route to growing your business. It's one of the most powerful marketing tools you can use. It demonstrates that you're open to having a conversation. It says that you're a not afraid, and it shows that you're a confident, strong leader. Leaders attract followers! And guess what? When you have followers, you can convert them into prospects and then sales!!!

To really deliver home this message, take a look at Marie Forleo, Derek Halpern, Danielle LaPorteAshley Ambirge and Erika Napoletano and see if you get it.

Success leaves clues. Don’t ever forget that.Those above own it, and their increasing sales success is partly due to the fact that they wrap their content in personality.

Watch this video, where I go through it!

Now I want to hear from you.

Do you get your opinion online? Tell me all about it in the comments below.

Finally, thank you, as always for reading and contributing here. And, if you found this post useful, please share it with your friends!

With love and gratitude – as always,



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