The world is getting bigger and busier. Opportunities abound. Technology is in momentum and it’s changing everything including the way we work. True performance based businesses embrace this. They always operate in a state of readiness. They see opportunities when others don’t. They take measured risks, act fast and want what’s current. They put better above cheaper, and revenues ahead of costs. And they are leading the way with social.
In 2015 smart, savvy business owners are following suit. They’re re-evaluating their sales approach and modernizing it as a result. They’re going social, inspiring their teams and incorporating it into the business.
They know that they’ve got their work cut out. Change isn’t always welcomed especially when hard graft and mindset shifts are involved.
To be successful they’re now going to have to wear many hats. For example, they’ll need to know how to sell their services, plus how to brand, market and mine data. However, when they get this right they’ll increase their opportunities by 45% and reduce their prospecting time by 75%. This obviously enables more revenue, faster, and with less cost. And, a happy sales force ensues.
So here are 7 smart social selling tips for 2015 that you and your sales team can implement right away in order to achieve these results. The tips are available to download as a report and it is for you if you want to:
- Grow a performance based, successful business.
- Understand how to modernise your sales approach and drive sales.
- Empower your sales team to increase their sales.
- Develop a happy, motivated sales team of high earners.
- Get ahead of your competitors.
Download the report…
7 Social Selling Tips for 2015
Once you've downloaded it, let me know:
- How are you using social media as a tool to grow your business or brand.
- What aspect do you find the most challenging?
Please share your stories and experience here, and if you’ve got a question, just pop it down here. If you want to contact me for a strategy call click here.
Thanks for being a sport and participating!
Finally, if you know someone who'd LOVE the insight from this social media for business post, please send them a link. You’ll find business owners, consultants and yes, even sales and marketing managers who manage people who'll be interested to hear about this.
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